Dual Credit Info
The following information is provided to help explain dual credit course work and our philosophy and policies regarding this option.
Taken from the East Buchanan High School Student Handbook
Classes that meet the requirements for both high school and college credit (dual credit/dual enrollment) have become increasingly popular for junior and senior students. While some of these classes are taught by East Buchanan teachers (adjunct college professors); many of these classes are taught online. Students and parents need to remember that when a student is enrolled in dual credit courses almost all of the decisions made regarding the courses are made by college faculty and are not subject to influence by East Buchanan teachers, counselors, administration. Students must be prepared to handle the workload and to accept the decisions/grades assigned by the college faculty.
Mr. Holloway and Mr. Painter are adjunct professors for UMKC. All other classes offered are online through Missouri Western State University. When a student is enrolled in an online class, they are given time during the high school schedule to complete work associated with the class. The student is independent and working through the college/university.
Dual credit classes while in high school typically receive a reduced tuition rate. This tuition is the responsibility of the student and his/her parent/guardian. East Buchanan High School does NOT pay for tuition for any students. Financial obligations incurred by the student are solely the responsibility of the student and his/her parent/guardian. There are fees associated with these classes outside of tuition – textbooks and access codes (online courses) are the most common. All classes that a student may choose to take will include the student and his/her parent/guardian paying any textbook or fees associated with the course.
The decision to take dual credit courses should not be taken lightly. These courses are rigorous and the grades earned will be included on your college transcripts.
Students must meet the following criteria to take dual credit courses: 3.0 overall cumulative HS GPA, or ACT composite of 21 or higher, EOC score of Proficient or Advanced in subject area. NOTE: Certain colleges may require ACT sub scores in subject area for specific courses. Colleges are also free to assert prerequisite and minimum score/GPA requirements.
Additional Information:
Dual Credit Success
Guidelines for successful completion of dual credit coursework:
• Students must check their grades and assignments regularly with the university grade system and/or professor
o East Buchanan staff do not have access to monitor student progress in courses.
o It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to adults for help if they are struggling with a course.
• Students are expected to check all online mediums associated with courses on a regular basis (university email account, East Buchanan email account, online system like blackboard, textbook website, etc.).
o Students should check their emails several times daily during the week.
• The expectation in college is that students will spend three hours per week studying per credit hour of a course. So for a three credit hour class, students should be spending nine hours a week studying for that course.
• Dual credit students will report to the location specified by Mr. Miller once school starts. Mrs. Barker is listed as the point of contact on the schedule, but is not to house the students during their class time. Tardies will be assigned for students that arrive late to their designated location. Given the amount of time required for successful completion of courses, students should have more than enough work to keep themselves busy during the class time allotted for dual credit courses.
Dual Credit Grades
Colleges will report the course grades at quarter and semester to Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Barker will input a letter grade received from the college professor (in dual credit courses not taught by Mr. Painter or Mr. Holloway). For a more in depth break down of grades, students need to contact their professor or utilize the college/university’s student information system (Canvas, GoldLink, etc.). Parents are encouraged to communicate with their students regularly about dual credit course progress. Should an issue arise, students should work with their professors to come up with solutions. Mrs. Barker is happy to coach students regarding how to write emails to professors or have conversations about concerns. Our belief is that learning to handle these issues independently (without third party intervention) is a large part of the benefit of dual credit coursework.
Unlike high school courses, the quarter 1 grade is just a snapshot of progress. With high school courses, the quarter 1 and quarter 2 grades are averaged resulting in a semester grade. For the dual credit courses, the quarter 1 grade is just a progress grade. No average will be calculated to reach a semester grade. The college will provide the semester grade to Mrs. Barker upon completion of the semester’s coursework. The semester grade is the final grade that will be put into the high school transcript.
Dual Credit Course Weighting
Dual Credit courses will all carry a double weight. This will be reflected in the computer “back end” calculations that contribute to the GPA calculation. However, the letter grade awarded will be the letter grade given at the high school. For example, if a student receives a B in a college class, it will be awarded the points of an A-, while the B will still be reported on grade cards and transcripts.
Transferring Credit after High School
Students that complete dual credit courses will have to request that the credit awarding institution send a transcript to their destination school. Mrs. Barker can only issue an East Buchanan High School transcript awarding high school credit. It is the responsibility of the student to request transcripts from each post-secondary institution individually. Contact the college/university for information on how to
complete this process.
Dropping a Dual Credit Course
From time to time students will determine that they would like to drop their dual credit course(s). To accomplish this the student must communicate with both Mrs. Barker and the university or college offering the dual credit. The five day drop deadline still applies at the high school. Any change done after that five day drop period will need to be approved by Mr. Miller. The class MUST be dropped with both the college and high school. Failure to complete the drop process with the college could result in the student being financially responsible for the course, and the student receiving an “F” on their college transcript. Students are responsible to complete the DROP process with the college or university. Mrs. Barker is happy to coach them on the process, but the responsibility is on the student to complete the process and keep record of communications from the college regarding the drop date.
Dual Credit Transcripts
Dual credit transcripts must be issued from the college or university awarding the college level credit. East Buchanan High School cannot request or provide that information for students or graduates.