K-5 Grade Level Courses
Kindergarten Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Kindergarten computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
Kindergarten Computers Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten computer technology is for students to learn how to use a computer, to be introduced to keyboarding, and to be introduced to basic coding. Areas addressed in Kindergarten computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
First Grade Computers Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Computer technology is to continue to learn how to use a computer, continue to learn about keyboarding, and increase skills in basic coding. Areas addressed in First Grade computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
Second Grade Computers Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Computer technology is to be introduced to Internet Safety, beginning to learn how to keyboard using home row, and increasing coding skills. Areas addressed in Second Grade computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
Third Grade Computers Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Computer technology is to continue to use skills learned about Internet Safety, to begin keyboarding using correct touch typing techniques, and to continue increasing coding skills. Areas addressed in Third Grade computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
First Grade Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for First Grade computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
Second Grade Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Second Grade computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
Third Grade Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Third Grade computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
Fourth Grade Computers Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Computer technology is to continue learning and using correct touch typing techniques, begin learning how to create media using different types of programs and begin feeling comfortable coding using Blockly code. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
Fourth Grade Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Fourth Grade computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
Fifth Grade Computers Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Computer technology is to learn how the Internet works, to continue to create media using a variety of programs and continue increasing coding skills using Blockly code. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade computer technology include technology operations and concepts, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration, research, and critical thinking and problem solving.
Fifth Grade Computers Course Rationale
The demand for students educated in computer technology will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Fifth Grade computer technology is the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to support students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.
K-12 Comprehensive Counseling Course Rationale
A good counseling program is necessary to help prepare all students for successful lives after graduation. These include areas of social-emotional health, professional and career skills, and general well-rounded academics and knowledge.
K-12 Comprehensive Counseling Course Description
To prepare students for life after graduation, counselors provide counseling curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system supports.
K-5 Comprehensive Counseling Course Description
To prepare students for daily life and life beyond K-5th grade, counselors facilitate students' growth and development by assisting them with grade level expectations/standards (GLEs/GLSs) that promote social/emotional development, academic development, and career development.
K-5 Comprehensive Counseling Course Rationale
The K-5 counseling program is an extension of the district K-12 program. In the Elementary we focus on daily skills to help students be successful with a comprehensive approach to Social/Emotional Development, Academic Development, and Career Development. In general, we give students the life skills to be better equipped with day to day challenges.
Kindergarten ELA Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten English Language Ats is to provide a foundation for formalized reading and writing instruction. Areas addressed in Kindergarten English Language Arts include listening and speaking skills; phonemic awareness analysis, print awareness, grammar skills, vocabulary skills; literature comprehension; and writing readiness.
Kindergarten ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
First Grade ELA Course Description
The purpose of 1st Grade English Language Arts is to teach students listening skills and oral language skills, writing skills, and the skills needed to become effective readers. Areas addressed in 1st Grade English Language Arts include an overview of listening and oral language skills; decoding, structural analysis, phonemic awareness and vocabulary skills; reading and literature skills; study skills; pre-writing and composition skills; spelling; and handwriting.
First Grade ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
Second Grade ELA Course Description
The purpose of 2nd grade English Language Arts is to teach students the skills needed to be effective readers and writers, as well as listening and speaking skills. Areas addressed in 2nd grade English Language Arts include decoding, phonemic awareness, vocabulary and comprehension skills in reading; writing and composition skills; spelling; grammar and mechanics; and study skills.
Second Grade ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
Third Grade ELA Course Description
The purpose of 3rd Grade Communication Arts is to teach students to speak and write Standard English and to read, comprehend, and evaluate literature. Areas addressed in 3rd Grade Communication Arts include listening and oral language skills; vocabulary skills; reading and literature skills; comprehension skills; writing and composition skills; and grammar and mechanics.
Third Grade ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
Fourth Grade ELA Course Description
The purpose of 4th Grade Communication Arts is to teach students to speak and write Standard English and to read, comprehend, and evaluate literature. Areas addressed in 4th Grade Communication Arts include listening and oral language skills; vocabulary skills; reading and literature skills comprehension skills; writing and composition skills; and grammar and mechanics.
Fourth Grade ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
Fifth Grade ELA Course Description
The purpose of 5th Grade Communication Arts is to teach students to read, speak, and write Standard English as well as comprehend and evaluate literature. Areas addressed in 5th Grade Communication Arts include: listening and oral language skills, reading and literature comprehension skills, reference skills, writing and composition skills, grammar and mechanics, vocabulary, and spelling.
Fifth Grade ELA Course Rationale
Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for all Communication Arts courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of media toward lifetime learning.
Second Grade Gifted Course Description
Gifted Second Grade students should be able to identify and use data from books and other sources. They can then organize that information and determine which information is useful. Second Graders can also recognize a problem with the teacher questioning and know at least one way to solve a problem. The student can determine an answer based on a fact and know the difference between a fact and an opinion. They should also be able to follow a teacher-directed plan and develop a verbal presentation. The Second Grader can also remain focused to complete an outcome.
Second Grade Gifted Course Rationale
The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing in Learning) Program will address the cognitive and affective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum with be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm student knowledge. Resources provide a means for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.
Third Grade Gifted Course Description
Gifted Third Grade students should be able to be aware of the variety of protocols for gathering information. They can then use that information to develop outcomes. Third Graders can also recognize a problem and know at least two different ways to solve it. A creative solution to a problem can be developed, and the student can explain how two or more ideas interact. The student can distinguish between statements that can be proven and statements that reflect personal beliefs or judgements. They can also have the ability to see and extract the most powerful reasons or results for a given event or action. The student can develop both a verbal or visual presentation and share ideas that explain the topic. The Third Grader can work cooperatively with a group to complete his/her part of the group's work and share ideas in a way that others will be able to listen.
Third Grade Gifted Course Rationale
The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing in Learning) Program will address the cognitive and affective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum with be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm student knowledge. Resources provide a means for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.
Fourth Grade Gifted Course Description
Gifted Fourth Grade students should be able to follow the variety of protocols for gathering information and recognize sequences. They can also use data from books and the internet. Fourth Graders can also identify a problem and define the parts of the problem, then use an appropriate problem solving strategy to solve a problem. The student can use facts to elaborate on and/or support ideas and also use steps to answer or formulate ideas. They can create, review, and revise a plan to develop an outcome. The Fourth Grader can develop a sense of control over his/her behavior to deal with consequences.
Fourth Grade Gifted Course Rationale
The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing in Learning) Program will address the cognitive and affective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum with be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm student knowledge. Resources provide a means for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.
Fifth Grade Gifted Course Description
Gifted Fifth Grade students should be able to identify and use appropriate data from books, the internet, charts, surveys, etc. They can then use that information to develop an outcome. Fifth Graders can also explain why it is important to look at the interactions. The student can use information to explain a cause/effect relationship and/or action/consequence relationship. They can share ideas in writing, verbally or visually. The Fifth Grader can respectfully listen to others and help the group reach an outcome.
Fifth Grade Gifted Course Rationale
The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing in Learning) Program will address the cognitive and affective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum with be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm student knowledge. Resources provide a means for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.
Kindergarten Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in Kindergarten Health and Physical Education include perceptual motor skills, fundamental movement skills, manipulative skills, gymnastic stunts and tumbling, rhythms and dance, wellness, and development, age-related games.
Kindergarten Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
First Grade Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in First Grade Health and Physical Education include perceptual motor skills, manipulative skills, gymnastic stunts and tumbling, rhythms and dance, wellness, and development, age-related games.
First Grade Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
Second Grade Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in Second Grade Health and Physical Education include perceptual motor skills, fundamental movement skills, manipulative skills, gymnastic stunts and tumbling, rhythms and dance, wellness, and development, age-related games.
Second Grade Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
Third Grade Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in Third Grade Health and Physical Education include fundamental motor skills, sports and lifetime activities, rhythms and dance, principles of physical fitness, fitness testing and human movement, inter/intra personal skills, developmental age-related lead-up games, gymnastic stunts and tumbling, outdoor education, and wellness activities.
Third Grade Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
Fourth Grade Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Health and Physical Education include fundamental motor skills, sports and lifetime activities, rhythms and dance, principles of physical fitness, fitness testing and human movement, inter/intra personal skills, development age-related lead-up games, gymnastics stunts and tumbling, outdoor education, and wellness activities.
Fourth Grade Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
Fifth Grade Health and Physical Education Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Health and Physical Education is to develop proficiency in human movement and performance. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade Health and Physical Education include fundamental motor skills, sports and lifetime activities, rhythms and dance, principles of physical fitness, fitness testing and human movement, inter/intra personal skills, developmental age-related lead-up games, gymnastic stunts and tumbling, outdoor education, and wellness activities.
Fifth Grade Health and Physical Education Course Rationale
The healthy physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education classes in Elementary Physical Education at East Buchanan is to get children to move for the maximum amount of time possible in each class period. Not every student exercises on their own time so when they come to P.E., I hope two things happen: they sweat, and they have fun.
Kindergarten Math Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Mathematics is to assist students in developing a fundamental understanding of the beginning mathematical concepts. Areas addressed in Kindergarten Mathematics include writing and understanding numbers from 1-20; counting by rote from 1-100; by ones, 10's, or any given number and backwards from 10-1, state days of the week, making simple comparisons using size, length, height, and shape; and understanding composing and decomposing relationships of numbers, shapes, and coins, add and subtract numbers 1-5 fluently.
Kindergarten Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
First Grade Math Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Math is to assist students in gaining mathematical skills for use in a successful, daily life and to prepare students for the next level of learning. Areas addressed in First Grade Math include basic shapes; addition and subtraction facts with sums and differences through 10; counting, reading, and writing numbers 1-120; graph theory; calendar use; measurement; weight; fractions; time; reading; thermometers; ordinal numbers; place value; coin values; and comprehension of terms more, fewer, and equal.
First Grade Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
Second Grade Math Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Mathematics is to teach and assist students in the math skills needed for effective learning for the current year, upcoming year, as well as being successful in their daily life using these math skills. Skills addressed are fluency with addition and subtraction math facts, counting money using various coin comibinations to equal a given amount, telling time to the nearest 5 minutes using A.M. and P.M., mentally add and subtract 10 to or from a given number, determining odd or even within a group, comparing numbers, understanding numbers are composed of hundreds, tens, and ones, understanding and draw a picture and bar graph, and finding total within an array with up to 5 rows and 5 columns, and measurement using yards, inches, feet, and centimeters. Teaching students these skills daily as well as enrichment opportunities will allow students to become successful learners and be prepared for upcoming learning.
Second Grade Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
Third Grade Math Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Mathematics is to provide students with an understanding of basic mathematical concepts appropriate to the grade level. Areas addressed in Third Grade Mathematics include demonstrating an understanding of numbers, rounding to the nearest 10 or 100, identifying whole numbers within 100,000, addition and subtraction within 1,000, multiply and divide within 100, represent thinking of multiplication and division in words or drawings, solve two step problems using any of the four operations, fractions (equal parts of a whole, on a number line, equivalent fractions, and comparing fraction <, >, =), measurement (time, length, volume, mass, area, and perimeter), data analysis, and patterns.
Third Grade Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
Fourth Grade Math Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Mathematics is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze and apply math concepts appropriate to the grade level. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Mathematics include the basic facts of whole numbers, place value, computation, patterns, estimation, problem solving, graphs, fractions, measurement, time, geometry, money, and probability.
Fourth Grade Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
Fifth Grade Math Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Mathematics is to provide students with a basic understanding of how to solve problems and apply learning concepts in everyday situations. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade Mathematics include knowledge of basic math facts, solving problems using different operations, geometry, problems involving whole numbers, variables, decimal and fractions, conversion, graphs and diagrams, and choosing the appropriate strategy based on specific situations.
Fifth Grade Math Course Rationale
To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for all mathematics courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching math we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.
Kindergarten Music Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Music is to expose students to basic elements of music. Areas addressed in Kindergarten Music include the use of chants, songs, games, movement, and musical performances to learn about beat, pitch, expressive qualities, and ensemble-building.
Kindergarten Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
First Grade Music Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Music is to further expose students to basic elements of music. Areas addressed in First Grade Music include the use of chants, songs, games, movement, and musical performances to learn about rhythm, melody, timbre, form, expressive qualities, ensemble-building, and music history.
First Grade Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
Second Grade Music Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Music is to further expand and explore the musical elements gathered from previous grades. Areas addressed in Second Grade Music include the use of songs, games, movement, and musical performances to continue learning about rhythm, melody, harmony and texture, timbre, expressive qualities, improvising, composing, ensemble-building, and music history.
Second Grade Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
Third Grade Music Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Music is to further expand and explore the musical elements gathered from previous grades, and to expose students to basic rhythmic and pitch notation. Areas addressed in Third Grade Music include the use of musical composition, songs, games, movement, instruments, and musical performances to continue learning about rhythm, melody, harmony and texture, timbre, expressive qualities, improvising, composing, ensemble-building, and music history.
Fourth Grade Music Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Music is to further expand and explore the musical elements gathered from previous grades, to expose students to basic rhythmic and pitch notation, and to develop and expand basic compositional, choral, and instrumental skills, as well as build an appreciation of music. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Music include a study of quality vocal and instrumental literature, as well as the use of musical composition, songs, movement, instruments, and musical performances to continue learning about rhythm, melody, harmony and texture, timbre, expressive qualities, improvising, composing, ensemble-building, and music history.
Third Grade Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
Fourth Grade Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
Fifth Grade Music Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Music is to further expand and explore the musical elements gathered from previous grades, to expose students to basic rhythmic and pitch notation, to develop and expand basic compositional, choral, and instrumental skills, and to analyze and perform selected music literature and develop a greater appreciation of music. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade Music include a study of quality vocal instrumental literature, as well as the use of musical composition, songs, movement, instruments, and musical performances to continue learning about rhythm, melody, harmony and texture, timbre, expressive qualities, improving, composing, ensemble-building, and music history.
Fifth Grade Music Course Rationale
The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for all Music courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students creativity, abilities of musical expression, appreciation for various musical forms, and an awareness of cultural differences.
Kindergarten Science Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Science is to provide students with an understanding of basic, biological earth and physical science. Areas addressed in Kindergarten Science include a study of the five human senses, weather, basic needs of living things, day and night sky, recycling, conservation of energy, forces, and the proper use of scientific tools.
Kindergarten Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
First Grade Science Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Science is to develop in students a curiosity and understanding of their environment through hands-on activities. Areas addressed in First Grade Science include plants, animals, health, solar system, weather, seasons, and day and night.
First Grade Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
Second Grade Science Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Science is to provide students with an understanding of and a foundation for demonstrating knowledge in science through hands-on activities, with emphasis on developing student interest and curiosity. The areas addressed are plants, animals, weather, water cycle, forms and changes of matter, types of energy, magnets, forces, and simple machines.
Second Grade Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
Third Grade Science Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Science is to enhance student learning in life and physical sciences. Areas addressed in Third Grade Science include animal adaptations (inherited and environmentally influenced), life cycles of plants and animals, properties of and changes in matter (water) as well as physical and chemical changes, interactions between two objects (electric and magnetic), and problem solving with multiple possible solutions as well as using The Scientific Method to conduct a fair test.
Third Grade Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
Fourth Grade Science Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Science is to enhance student learning in life, earth, and physical sciences. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Sceience include motion and stability, energy, waves and their applications in technology, molecules to organisms, Earth's place in the universe, Earth and human activities, and engineering and design.
Fourth Grade Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
Fifth Grade Science Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Science is to enhance student learning in physical, life, earth, space and engineering technology application of science. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade Science include a study of matter and its interactions, motion and stability, energy, ecosystems, Earth systems and engineering design.
Fifth Grade Science Course Rationale
Due to demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students the knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment.
Kindergarten Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Social Studies is to provide a foundation for instruction for students to learn about the world in which they live. Areas addressed in Kindergarten Social Studies include environmental awareness; knowledge of democracy, knowledge of economic principles, knowledge of major elements of geographical study, analysis and their relationship to changes in society and the environment, sense of self and others; an appreciation of the United States, it's people, traditions, flag and pledge.
Kindergarten Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
First Grade Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Social Studies is to provide a foundation for instruction for students to learn about the world in which they live. Areas addressed in First Grade Social Studies include map skills, recognizing and understanding roles of community workers/services, goods and services, consumers and producers, recognizing cultural diversity, naming the first and current presidents, understanding why cities make laws, national symbols, community in the past and present, taxes, and rights as citizens.
First Grade Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
Second Grade Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Social Studies is to provide a foundation of knowledge of how people live and work in a community. Areas addressed include interpreting graphs and charts; studying maps; historical people; comparing past to present; and learning about goods and services, wants and needs, and the importance of respecting the rights of others.
Second Grade Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
Third Grade Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Social Studies is to provide students with an understanding of our state, Missouri. Areas addressed in Third Grade Social Studies include Missouri geography (regions, border states, and rivers), Missouri government, state symbols, Missouri history (Native American migration, discovery of Missouri, and cultural changes), important Missourians (Dred Scott and Lewis and Clark), and conflict resolution.
Fourth Grade Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Social Studies is to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to study regions of the United States. Missouri history will be a major focus. Areas addressed in Fourth Grade Social Studies include map skills, geography, history, economics, graph organizers, Missouri and American symbols, government, and facts and opinions.
Fifth Grade Social Studies Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade U.S. History is to provide students with a broad knowledge of various Social Studies disciplines related to the United States. Areas addressed in Fifth Grade U.S. History include United States geography, history, economics, government and other related competencies such as human needs and rights and responsibilities.
Third Grade Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
Fourth Grade Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
Fifth Grade Social Studies Course Rationale
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for Social Studies courses in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students, through the attainment of knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
Kindergarten Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of Kindergarten Visual Art is to allow students to explore art through exposure to art materials, art history, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
Kindergarten Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
First Grade Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of First Grade Visual Art is to allow students to continue to explore art through exposure to art material, art works, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
First Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
Second Grade Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of Second Grade Visual Art is to allow students to continue to explore art through exposure to art materials, art works, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
Second Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
Third Grade Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of Third Grade Visual Art is to allow students to explore art through exposure to art materials, art works, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
Third Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
Fourth Grade Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of Fourth Grade Visual Art is to allow students to explore art through exposure to art materials, art works, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
Fourth Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
Fifth Grade Visual Arts Course Description
The purpose of Fifth Grade Visual Art is to allow students to explore art through exposure to art materials, art works, and creativity. Students are encouraged to produce art and build upon experiences to grow and learn in artistic knowledge. Students start developing their skills for evaluating art and problem solving. Students participate in drawing, designing, painting, printing, and sculpting.
Fifth Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale
Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.